Feb 08
2017 NDTMS reporting consultation
Public Health England (PHE) is keen to gather information on how the reports and toolkits from the NDTMS (National Drug Monitoring Treatment System) are being used in the current operating environment and whether they are still meeting user’s needs. This is an opportunity for users of NDTMS data to provide feedback on how we can improve existing reporting and what works well and what doesn’t. The feedback we gather here will be used to shape future reporting and to ensure that we maximise the utility of the data collected. Therefore it is important that we hear from all users of NDTMS reports and toolkits, whether you find they currently meet your needs or not. The consultation will be open from Wednesday 8th February until Friday 31st March 2017.
You can access the consultation here: https://surveys.phe.org.uk/NDTMS_reporting_consultation_2017
Published on 08 February 2017
Jan 26
PHE publishes 2015-16 statistics for adults and young people in secure settings in England
This publication is the first annual report on individuals receiving specialist interventions for drugs and alcohol misuse in secure settings in England.
The figures show that there were 60,254 adults (18 and over) in contact with drug and alcohol services in secure settings during 2015-16. Most (94%) of these were within a prison setting. Just fewer than half (48%) of those in contact with treatment in adult settings presented with problematic use of opiates. Alcohol presentations make up the largest group (49%), with a total of 29,812 individuals exhibiting problematic or dependent drinking. A further third (20,355) sought treatment for cannabis use. Nearly 40,000 adults left treatment in a secure setting during 2015-16. Almost a quarter (23%) were discharged as having completed treatment. There were 1,541 young people receiving substance misuse treatment in a secure setting, mostly to address cannabis and alcohol use.
Published on 26 January 2017
Jan 12
Young people’s annual statistics from NDTMS released today
The latest 2015-16 young people’s statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) show that there were 17,077 young people (under the age of 18) in substance misuse services, a reduction of 7% compared to 2014-15. Females in treatment were younger, with a lower median age than males (15, compared to 16). The most common substance that young people presented to treatment with continued to be cannabis (87% of all young people in treatment), followed by alcohol (48%). Waiting times to gain access to specialist services were short, with almost all (98%) accessing treatment within three weeks, and 79% waiting for zero days for their first intervention. Of the 11,224 young people leaving treatment in 2015-16, 80% left in a planned way, no longer requiring specialist interventions.
The statistics are available here
Published on 12 January 2017
Nov 03
PHE publishes 2015-16 statistics for adults in specialist drug and alcohol services in England
“The latest figures show that there were 288,843 adults (18 and over) in alcohol and drug treatment in 2015-6, a reduction of 2% from 2014-15. Those with a dependency on opiates make up the largest proportion (52%, 149,807)in treatment. Alcohol presentations make up the next largest group, with a total of 144,908 individuals exhibiting problematic or dependent drinking. Of these, 85,035 were treated for alcohol only and 59,873 for alcohol problems alongside other substances. Waiting times remain very low (97% accessing treatment within three weeks), which ensures those seeking help are getting it quickly. Of 127,080 adults leaving treatment, 50% left having successfully completed their treatment free of dependence.”
Published on 03 November 2016
Aug 31
Young people’s activity report, executive summary and establishment report for quarter 1 delayed
Please be advised that there will be a short delay in the release of the young people’s activity report, executive summary and establishment report for quarter 1 due to technical issues with the report. We aim to release the YP activity report and executive summary this Friday (2nd September) and the YP establishment report next week. We apologise for this unforeseen delay. Please contact evidenceapplicationteam@phe.gov.uk if you have any concerns or queries.
Published on 31 August 2016