NDEC will be running walkthrough events on Friday 8th November and Friday 15th November where the new Power BI ViewIt adult profiles will be presented with an opportunity to ask questions or to provide any feedback or suggestions you might have.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 362 352 580 027
Passcode: i8zZCe
Download Teams [microsoft.com] | Join on the web [microsoft.com]
Dial in by phone
+44 20 7660 8459,,357452027# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 357 452 027#
Meeting ID: 364 342 088 949
Passcode: WwRYzx
+44 20 7660 8459,,543075461# United Kingdom, London
Phone Conference ID: 543 075 461#
Alcohol and drug misuse and treatment statistics
Quality and Methodology 2022-23
New methodological changes in YP reporting
For previous annual statistical reports and data visit the UK Government Web Archive.