Apr 01
Commissioning support packs
We have made some improvements to the drug commissioning support packs following user feedback. We have added instructions to enable users to download the report and use offline (in your web browser use “Save page as” with file type “Web Page, complete”). We have also made improvements to the layout throughout the report including fixing a mislabelling in the criminal justice pathways offence type section (table 8.10.2 in the drugs pack).
Published on 01 April 2022
Mar 08
Changes to NDTMS.Net secure area
There has been a number of positive changes made to the NDTMS.Net secure area. From today, you can access a larger number of periodic NDTMS reports produced by OHID from the newly titled “NDTMS reports” page. There is an improved menu screen making navigation easier. The NDTMS reporting timetable is also now more accessible, visible in the main banner alongside the NDTMS reports page. The timetable will be updated before the end of March with release dates for reports covering the 2022-23 reporting period. The criminal justice single point of contact (SPOC) directory is also now available from the secure area. The SPOC is a key tool in supporting the continuity of care objective within the Drug and Alcohol treatment sector as detailed in the Government’s new UK 10 Year Drug Strategy . We believe this directory will support and help develop enhanced criminal justice pathways into treatment and achieve improved health and crime reduction outcomes. The SPOC is also available on the main banner at the top of the page.
Published on 08 March 2022
Jan 27
Local authority commissioning support packs for young people now available on NDTMS.Net
We are pleased to let you know that the latest young people commissioning support packs are now available on NDTMS.net (https://www.ndtms.net/CommissioningSupportProducts). They have been provided as a resource to assist with local needs assessments, service planning and recommissioning as well as a useful summary of activity over the last 12 years, where shown. They use data from NDTMS as well as other data sources such as hospital admissions, looked after children and school exclusions. The main areas covered in the NDTMS data are client profiles and demographics, education and employment, health, vulnerabilities and outcomes. If you have any questions on these packs please contact evidenceapplicationteam@dhsc.gov.uk.
Published on 27 January 2022
Nov 29
Local authority commissioning support packs now available on NDTMS.Net
We are pleased to let you know that the latest adult drug and alcohol commissioning support packs are now available on NDTMS.Net (https://www.ndtms.net/CommissioningSupportProducts). They have been provided as a resource to assist with local needs assessments, service planning and recommissioning as well as a useful summary of activity over the last 12 years, where shown. They use data from NDTMS as well as other data sources such as hospital admissions and prevalence to provide a picture of problematic drug and alcohol use in each local authority. The main areas covered in the NDTMS data are patient profiles and demographics, housing, employment, health, families and outcomes. Further breakdowns of adults in treatment, adults starting treatment and exiting treatment (including those that leave treatment successfully and those that die in treatment) for 2020-21 is available on ViewIt (https://www.ndtms.net/ViewIt/Adult) along with trend data back to 2009-10. If you have any questions on these packs please contact evidenceapplicationteam@phe.gov.uk.
Published on 29 November 2021
Jun 14
Report viewer replacement update
The interim solution for the report viewer is now live.Please access it via the "Report Viewer" link as before.For further information please read the previous news item entitled "NDTMS report viewer replacement" posted on Friday 11/06/21.
Published on 14 June 2021