Mar 09
Report Viewer availability
We are sorry that access to the report viewer has been intermittent over recent months and for the inconvenience this is causing. We are actively working to try to establish a fix in the short term as well as a better longer term solution and we thank you for your patience during this time.
Published on 09 March 2021
Mar 05
Report Viewer - not accessible via NDTMS.net
Report Viewer is unavailable from ndtms.net at the moment and we are working on fixing the issue.
Published on 05 March 2021
Feb 15
Young People treatment data now added to ViewIt
National data for young people (under 18) in treatment and those starting treatment in each year from 2009-10 to 2019-20 has now been added as a new feature within ViewIt. Further data covering substance profile, referral source and exit reasons at national and local authority level will to be made available over the next few weeks.
Published on 15 February 2021
Jan 15
Report Viewer access issues – manual fix available for Chrome and Edge browsers
We apologise for the report viewer access issues from ndtms.net some users are currently experiencing with certain browsers. We are hoping to a apply a more permanent solution in due course but in the meantime there is a fix below that can be applied manually by users accessing the report viewer via Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.
Chrome browser fix
1. Open Chrome
2. Type the following into the address bar: chrome://flags/
3. Ensure that the following settings are set as below (each setting can be located using the search bar provided in the browser window):
“Enable cross-origin portals” set to ENABLED
“SameSite by default cookies” set to DISABLED
“Enable removing SameSite=None cookies” set to DISABLED
“Cookies without SameSite must be secure” set to DISABLED
“Schemeful Same-Site” set to DISABLED
4. Login to NDTMS.Net and click on the Report Viewer link
Edge browser fix:
1. Open Edge
2. Type the following into the address bar: Edge://flags/
3. Ensure that the following settings are set as below (each setting can be located using the search bar provided in the browser window):
“Cookies without SameSite must be secure” set to DISABLED
“Schemeful Same-Site” set to DISABLED
4. Login to NDTMS.Net and click on the Report Viewer link
Published on 15 January 2021
Jan 14
ViewIt updated with Local Authority 2019-20 data for public access users
ViewIt has been updated with 2019-20 public-access Local Authority data about adults in treatment.
Published on 14 January 2021