Oct 11
CJIT report data update
The Q1 2024-25 data in the CJIT report has been delayed to 18/10/2024, please accept our apologies for the delay to this report.
Published on 11 October 2024
Oct 02
Q1 2024-25 BBV report released
The Q1 BBV report is now available.
We're working to resolve the issue in the CJIT report. Aiming to have the most recent data added to that report by 11/10/2024.
Please accept our apologies for the delay to these reports.
Published on 02 October 2024
Oct 02
Q1 2024-25 reports are now available and reports delayed
Q1 2024-25 reports are now available, the following reports have been delayed due to data processing errors.
The Q1 BBV report has been delayed to 04/10/2024.
Q1 data is unavailable in the CJIT report. We’re working to have this problem resolved by 11/10/2024
Pleas accept our apologies for the delays to these reports.
Published on 02 October 2024
Sep 27
Launch of the new activity report beta
A new partnership activity report beta has been released today. The report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of activity within local treatment systems across the broad range of core dataset items collected on NDTMS. This beta includes an initial selection of items, including the first time reporting on individual problem substance codes has been available. New items will be added over time. This report will be updated every month with the latest available data, on the same day that our other reports release. We aim to include activity at treatment provider level, and we aim to leave beta in 2024. This report will eventually replace the existing activity reports, but they will still be produced until all their data items are available in the new reports.
The report is available in the secure section of NDTMS.net at https://www.ndtms.net/NDTMSReports/CommunityAdultActivityBeta
We welcome your feedback, which can be sent to evidenceapplicationteam@dhsc.gov.uk
Information on launch and training events will follow.
Published on 27 September 2024
Sep 26
Health and Mortality Unmet Need Toolkit now includes Naloxone data
The Health and Mortality Unmet Need Toolkit now includes Naloxone data. The first page in the Naloxone section shows the number and proportion of all clients in treatment who have been issued and administered with naloxone since data collection started circa 2021. Additionally, there is a focused breakdown of naloxone status for opiate clients in treatment, and a scatter plot visualizes naloxone status across local authorities, allowing for easy local area/regional comparisons.
The mortality section of the toolkit now includes ‘Deaths during treatment analysis’ page which shows detailed analysis of deaths during treatment across all local authorities. A bar chart shows the number and proportion of deaths during treatment, ordered from the highest to the lowest, and an accompanying table shows the rolling totals for all areas.
The Causes of death tabs now also show both three-year aggregated summaries due to small numbers in some local authorities.
Finally, the Hospital admissions section now has separate pages for admissions due to drug poisoning and mental & behavioural disorders
Published on 26 September 2024