Feb 09
9 February 2016 – release of Families Toolkit
a tool to demonstrate the social and economic benefits of alcohol and drugs interventions to the individual, their family and the wider community.
Published on 09 February 2016
Dec 01
National statistics update
NDTMS pre-release statistics will be re-instated with effect from 3rd December 2015 to coincide with the release of the NDTMS adult and young people national statistics. The adult national statistics publication brings together for the first time information on individuals receiving specialist interventions for both drugs and alcohol. These services are increasingly commissioned together as many people experience problems and receive interventions for both. In line with this change, NDTMS pre-release statistics will report data for adults using this new methodology. More detailed information on these changes can be found here (http://www.nta.nhs.uk/new-reporting-methodology.aspx)
National statistics for young people and the previously reported young people pre-release statistics remains unchanged and will be reinstated using the existing methodology but additionally presented by PHE centre. The Public Health Outcomes Framework Indicators 2.15i and 2.15ii will also be reinstated with the existing methodology.
The new NDTMS pre-release statistics will report the following information monthly from 1st April 2014:
- Numbers in treatment – The number of individuals who accessed specialist treatment in a rolling 12 month period.
- New presentations to treatment – The number of individuals that started a new treatment journey year to date.
- Total Exits – The total number of individuals that exited from the treatment system year to date.
- Numbers in effective treatment - The number of individuals in treatment in the latest 12 month period (setback 3 months) who remained in treatment for 12 weeks or more, or who were in treatment for less than 12 weeks and exited successfully.
- The proportion in effective treatment - The number of individuals in effective treatment as a proportion of all numbers in treatment.
Reported by the following geographies:
- England
- PHE centre (https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/408062/PHE_centres_local_authority_lookup.pdf)
- Local authority
- Treatment provider by a client's local authority of residence
The adult data will be segmented by the following substance categories:
- Opiate clients
- Non-opiate only clients
- Non-opiate
- Alcohol clients and alcohol only clients
Further details on these client categorisation can be found here (http://www.nta.nhs.uk/new-reporting-methodology.aspx)
Published on 01 December 2015
Nov 03
NDTMS reporting timetable update
The NDTMS reporting timetable has been updated as a result of the slight delay reported here yesterday. Changes to release dates are highlighted in yellow. We have made every effort to limit the impact of this delay but nevertheless apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Published on 03 November 2015
Nov 02
NDTMS reports update
The last month of agency file processing precipitated an isolated technical fault which threatened completeness of the monthly return. PHE is pleased to report that a solution has been implemented and the high quality standards adhered to by NDTMS has been maintained. The result of this is a delay to the analysis of this data which has impacted on the timetable for the delivery of reports and toolkits. There will be a revised timetable issued asap. There will be a focus on prioritising the delivery of those reports most used by commissioners and providers in order to minimise the disruption to this service. We are very mindful of the inconvenience that this delay may cause you and for that we would like to apologise.
Published on 02 November 2015
Jul 13
Reporting Timetable 2015-16
The NDTMS reporting timetable for 2015-16 is now available here
Published on 13 July 2015