Apr 27
Reporting timetable update
An updated report timetable is now available for the remaining 2014-15 management reports (https://www.ndtms.net/resources/secure/downloads/Timetables/NDTMS Report Timetable 2014-15 - released 27 April 15.pdf). We wanted to ensure that the key reports for periods up to and including February were released as promptly as possible following receipt of data and as such we have taken the decision to postpone release of certain reports until the March data submission. The first set of reports will be released tomorrow along with a Data Completeness Diagnostic Report which should be used alongside them and the other reports based on the February data submission. This report will be released with guidance and will be refreshed monthly up to and including the July data submission. We anticipate that data completeness/utility will improve in the following submission and have therefore included the full set of reports as indicated in the previous release schedule. We have also decided to cancel the release of the December RDT reports and will instead produce an end of financial year version. However, we will not commit to any release dates yet until we are confident that the data is complete and therefore comparable to previous years. We are hopeful that we will be able to use the May dataset for this purpose. Similarly, we are keen to ensure that, longer term, the Q3, Q4 and monthly reports are reflective of actual activity. As such we intend to refresh as many of the reports as possible that are deemed to be most affected by the shortfall in data submission. We hope that we will be able to refresh the identified reports for those periods using the May dataset.
Published on 27 April 2015
Apr 10
The NDTMS data collection and submission portals have been closed since November last year to implement security enhancements and upgrades to the system.
This work has now been completed and the NDTMS is back online. However there is a significant backlog of data being entered and submitted by drug and alcohol treatment providers. It is our intention to commence reporting on this site as soon as we are confident that the data is sufficiently robust and complete to produce reports.
We will post a further update as soon as possible.
Published on 10 April 2015
Jan 23
New residential rehabilitation treatment provider summary report available today
The initial report covers 13-14 activity, this will move to a quarterly release covering a twelve month rolling period. The purpose of these reports is to provide a fuller picture of residential rehab activity than is currently available through the existing quarterly provider activity reports.
The report contains both NDTMS figures and where possible a short introduction section with general information about each provider. The introduction section was compiled from a combination of data from rehab online and direct surveys.
If you represent one of the included providers and would like to update/amend the information in the introduction section please email EvidenceApplicationteam@phe.gov.uk.
Published on 23 January 2015
Jan 08
Young People’s Drug Statistics 2013-2014 Published
Young People's Statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1st April 2013 to 31 March 2014 were published at 9.30am on Thursday 8th January 2015
Young People’s Statistics from NDTMS - 1 April 2013 - 31 March 2014
Statistical release
Published on 08 January 2015
Dec 12
Message from PHE:
We apologise for the continued down-time of our NDTMS systems. We understand the serious impact this will be having on all our stakeholders. Unfortunately we have to inform you that our systems will remain closed for the near future and it will not be possible to submit data to NDTMS at this time.
We are urgently working on multiple system enhancements and will test these with pilot treatment providers before a wider rollout.
Our initial area of focus will be the Prison DET, Community DET and CJIT DET (data entry) systems. The timescales for retrospective data entry will be adjusted to reflect the pressure that that these stakeholders are under.
We recognise the disruption this will be causing for commissioners and providers and will update you as soon as we have any further information.
Published on 12 December 2014