Jun 27
The April successful completion partnership report is not yet available to view on NDTMS.net or DAMS due to an unforeseen technical hitch that may hinder your viewing experience. We hope it will be resolved shortly and apologise for the delay.
The latest successful completion data is however available within a specially produced summary report that outlines the impact of the change in methodology on successful completions and non-representations by different substance groups covering the period April 12 – April 14.
A full explanation of the reporting methodology changes and new substance categories has been posted in the secure section (click here). There is also a description of how the new comparator groups will work operate in 2014/15.
Published on 27 June 2014
Mar 18
The findings from the NDTMS reporting consultation, which was held late last year to agree the methodology for joining drug and alcohol journey reporting, is now available in the NDTMS consultation section (click here). The main outcome is that from 2014-15 we will bring together for the first time, the reporting of drug and alcohol treatment interventions whereas previously these had been reported separately for individuals that have been in receipt of both. You can find further documents this section that describe in detail the methodological changes and also provide an overview of what impact this shift is likely to have on performance and trends.
Published on 18 March 2014
Feb 21
YP Quarter 3 community report delayed
Due to the changes to the core dataset, the release of the Q3 YP Community reports (Executive Summary, Local Assurance and Agency Assurance reports) will be delayed. The changes are large so we are unable to give any timescales at present. However, we will be prioritising the new YP Executive Summary and will release this as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
Published on 21 February 2014
Jan 09
Please be aware that an error has been highlighted regarding the Treatment Map Summary needs assessment report for 2012-13. Historic 2011-12 figures were showing for the referral routes section; this has since been updated and a new version loaded here.
Published on 09 January 2014
Dec 18
DIRDET update bulletin - 17/12/2013
Please click here to download the DIRDET update bulletin, updated form and field by field guidance.
Published on 18 December 2013