May 11
Core Data Set R survey new open
We are pleased to announce that the survey for the National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) Core Data Set R (CDS-R) is now open.
We are seeking input from all stakeholders including drug and alcohol treatment providers, commissioners, service users and users of statistics relating to drug and alcohol treatment.
The survey closes at 5pm on Friday 19th May 2023.
Published on 11 May 2023
Apr 20
Local outcomes framework dashboard BETA now available
I am pleased to notify you that an early beta version of the local outcomes framework dashboard is now available to view in the restricted area of NDTMS.Net (NDTMS - NDTMS reports).
The local outcomes framework dashboard provides local areas with key information to monitor local performance and activity against the key aims of the Drug Strategy. This report is produced by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, using data from the NDTMS.
This beta report has been released ahead of the official launch to introduce the local outcomes framework and key measures to local areas as early as possible and to receive early user feedback on the utility and functionality of the report. We are keen that local areas are familiar with the new measures and layout before seeking to use them in a performance monitoring context. It does not yet contain all the indicators that are in the framework. Other indicators, including housing and employment outcomes, will be added in the main release, due out at the end of June 2023.
Users are encouraged to watch the walkthrough video ahead of accessing the report, as it explains the new functionality and viewing options available along with an explanation of the data. This is available just above the report.
If you have any queries about the report or would like to give feedback, please contact evidenceapplicationteam@dhsc.gov.uk.
Published on 20 April 2023
Mar 16
Local authority commissioning support packs for young people now available on NDTMS.Net
We are pleased to advise you that the latest young people commissioning support packs are now available on NDTMS.net (https://www.ndtms.net/CommissioningSupportProducts). They have been provided as a resource to assist with local needs assessments, service planning and recommissioning as well as a useful summary of activity over the last decade, where shown. They use data from NDTMS as well as other data sources such as hospital admissions, looked after children and school exclusions. The main areas covered in the NDTMS data are client profiles and demographics, education and employment, health, vulnerabilities and outcomes. If you have any questions on these packs please contact evidenceapplicationteam@dhsc.gov.uk.
Published on 16 March 2023
Feb 24
Q3 partnership data reports released, provider reports to follow next week.
The partnership reports for December 2022 data have been released on the report viewer. Unfortunately the provider data reports and most excel format reports have been delayed due to a data processing issue. The remaining reports will be released next Wednesday (01/01/23).
Please accept our apologies for delays to these reports. We understand that the release of these reports affects meetings scheduled between providers, commissioners and others. We’re making this work our highest priority.
Reports released today:
Partnership Activity report
Adult Successful completions and re-presentations (partnership)
YP Activity Report (partnership)
YP Executive Summary Report (partnership)
Outcomes Exits partnership
Outcomes review partnership
Outcomes Exception Report
CJIT report
Excel reports:
PHOF C20 Companion Report
Adult Prison Quarterly Treatment Report
Reports delayed to next week:
Provider Activity report
Adult Successful completions and re-presentations (provider)
YP Activity Report (provider)
Outcomes Exits provider
Outcomes review provider
Outcomes Young People partnership
Outcomes Young People provider
Excel reports:
Section 7a Key Service Outcomes
Blood Borne Viruses Report Quarterly Adult Community
Mutual Aid Report
Sub-Intervention Review report
YPSE YPOR Compliance Report
Published on 24 February 2023
Jan 27
Local authority commissioning support packs now available on NDTMS.Net
We are pleased to let you know that the latest adult drug and alcohol commissioning support packs are now available on NDTMS.Net (https://www.ndtms.net/CommissioningSupportProducts). They have been provided as a resource to assist with local needs assessments, service planning and recommissioning as well as a useful summary of activity over the last decade, where shown. They use data from NDTMS as well as other data sources such as hospital admissions and prevalence to provide a picture of problematic drug and alcohol use in each local authority. The main areas covered in the NDTMS data are patient profiles and demographics, housing, employment, health, families and outcomes. Further breakdowns of adults in treatment, adults starting treatment and exiting treatment (including those that leave treatment successfully and those that die in treatment) for 2021-22 will be available on ViewIt (https://www.ndtms.net/ViewIt/Adult) along with trend data back to 2009-10 by Monday 30th January 2023. If you have any questions on these packs please contact evidenceapplicationteam@dhsc.gov.uk.
Published on 27 January 2023